Meet Gladys
I live in Guatemala City, Guatemala only a few miles from where I was born, and I work at Potter’s House, which is located on the edge of the garbage dump on the property God prepared for our purchase 30 years ago. One of my greatest joys continues to be interacting with the Treasures. Whether I am serving lunch to the little ones, leading discipleship classes for the older ones, helping our high school graduates apply for scholarships, or being part of organizing their weddings. I see God in each of them and feel privileged that He has put them in my life.
I also love to go on prayer visits to families in the garbage dump community—with volunteer groups and PHA staff members. Entering the homes of poor helps me maintain my connection with them, and when I compare even the most squalid of those homes with the dilapidated shacks the Treasures lived in back in 1986, I am reminded of the love and greatness of our Lord. Praying for their individual and family needs is an honor. I also love to interact with the staff, and share with them what I have learned in my walk with the Lord.

When I’m not working, I’m usually at home with my husband, Edgar, and our two beagles—Paco and Paquita. We all enjoy exploring the many beautiful parts of our country—we just do it differently, the humans with their eyes and the dogs with their noses. I have learned to love God’s creation through them.