Potter’s House
Potter´s House is a Christian Non-Profit Organization who for 35 years has been fighting poverty in Guatemala through deploying holistic program. At Potter´s House, we measure success in terms of relationships, not just numbers and statistics. Our ultimate goal is to see Guatemalans in a personal relationship with God, so they will reach the maturity they need to pursue their own holistic development and will contribute in the fight against poverty by influencing their family, community and nation.
Our convictions, our experience and our work have been inspired by the Lord and our desire is that it be a fragrance to the Lord (2 Corinthians 2:12-17). We have been obedient to His calling and we have expanded to and are now serving in Guatemala City, the Northeastern Region and the Western Region.
Gladys Acuña Güitz is the co-founder of Potter’s House Association in 1986, a Guatemalan Christ-centered organization that fights poverty in Guatemala by promoting a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ while deploying holistic development programs that focus on at-risk children and youth.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
Potter´s House is a Christ centered organization that believes the Bible and it´s values and promises. We believe that the Treasures (our beneficiaries) are people with value and dignity, created in God´s image! A personal relationship with Jesus Christ will change their lives and with opportunities for development and empowerment, they will reach their God- given potential!
We believe that individual transformation begins from the inside out and is possible through a personal relationship through Jesus Christ. | We believe that God created the family as the first holistic development institution |
We believe that by reproducing our work model in other areas of the country we can fight poverty. | Individual and community empowerment can be achieved through participation in holistic methodologies and programs. |
We believe that we are stewards of everything that God has placed on this earth and that we honor Him when we optimize the resources He has placed in our hands. | We believe in long term, transformational relationships with others- our beneficiaries, our staff and our donors. |
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (ESV)
Poverty exists because of sin in the world and the presence of an enemy who wants to use us far from Him. But poverty can be solved! For 35 years and with the intention of reducing poverty in Guatemala we have worked with the poor and developed programs to promote development and personal growth. Our work model + divine intervention= transformed lives. Learn more about our 8 Forms of Poverty
We know that each year a child finished of school increases their chances of having a dignifying job in the future significantly. | We know that 70% of Guatemalans don´t have access to basic healthcare services. |
We know that chronic malnourishment affects 50% of all children under the age of 5 in Guatemala. | We know that opportunities for entrepreneurship and economic development create good credit scores and responsible savings. |
We know that staff that is highly committed to the organization who demonstrate a Christ- centered life style will allow us to reach our strategic and operational goals. |
“For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’” Deuteronomy 15:11
We have been called to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. In doing this, we cannot ignore the needs we encounter. Surviving on less than $2 a day, the needs are many so tangible help accompanies the message we share. Our holistic programs and services allow us to reach more than 25,000 Treasures a year in three regions in Guatemala.
Learn more about our 3-1-3 work model.
More than 547,000 nutritious lunches | Construction of 328 cinder block homes for families in need. |
People being evangelized and discipled through VBS programs, retreats, devotionals, etc. | 8,190 Prayer visits to families going through difficult times providing them with tools to contribute to their personal growth and relationship with God. |
More than 115 Treasures have graduated from high school. Many of them have pursued a higher education and obtained dignifying jobs. | Through our medical clinics, pharmacy and mobile clinics we have served more than 34,000 Treasures. |
Potter's House 35th Anniversary
We are thankful for 35 years serving the Treasures!