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Hidden Treasure


Hidden Treasure

Finding God in Unexpected Places

No matter where or how you live, life in the 21st Century is stranger and more unpredictable than it has ever been. Regardless of what you believe about the state of the world, this is the perfect time to ask yourself, “What matters most in my life?” “What should be my role today?”

 Hidden Treasure: Finding God in Unexpected Places will take you on a journey that will help you answer those critical questions and many others, the answers to which will impact your life now and for eternity.  Hidden Treasure tells God’s story through the life of Gladys Acuña Güitz, who experienced His heart for the poor and discover her calling in a garbage dump among the scavengers that she would come to love as Treasures. Gladys opens her heart to share her struggles and misconceptions along with those of others, as she strives for a closer relationship with God. You will be inspired by lessons of faith, adversity, and God’s timely provision.

 Whether you are mature in your faith, a brand-new Christ-follower, or a seeker looking for answers, God will speak to you as Gladys tells God’s story, taking you along as she journeys from a dull religious life through challenges and uncertainty to a vibrant, exciting Christian life. If you are serving in ministry at any level, Hidden Treasure will make you realize that you are not alone as you learn from a seasoned ministry leader who earned her stripes the hard way.

 Expect the unexpected! God may urge you, as he did with Jeremiah, “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” (Jeremiah 18:1-2) Your potter’s house will probably be different from Gladys’s, but once you go, you will never be the same.

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Hidden Treasure Launch • Zoom Meeting

Join us for the official launch of Hidden Treasure featuring a Zoom conversation with Gladys Guitz.

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